I realize that this article comes from a humor website called Cracked, but the content is accurate and depressingly scary: http://www.cracked.com/article_20322_6-ways-companies-are-secretly-screwing-job-applicants.html
I'd heard about these "blacklists" but hadn't seen a lot of coverage or information about them until I stumbled on this information. Now think about this with a mature, clear, reasonable head. Is it fun to sometimes get back at people you don't like? Of course it is. Is it fun when it happens to you? No, it's not. Is this something that we should really allow? Oh, Hell no. Just think of all the havoc you alone could wreak by putting names of people who've pissed you off onto a blacklist that may prevent them from ever getting hired again. Now, think about how many people YOU have pissed off over the years. How about coworkers, bosses, former friends, exes...Are you sure that guy you were tailgating doesn't have (or can't get) your name or information? I used to work with a guy whose ex-wife (who worked for a mortgage company) ruined the credit of an enemy by reporting her to a credit agency for defaulting on a loan that she'd never had. I've pissed people off, and I've been "wronged" by others. That does not give me or anyone else the right to ruin their lives.
I understand that potential employers want to hire the right candidate; however, the availability of a "blacklist" opens up a Pandora's box for HR and hiring managers, and is too subjective and extremely dangerous. Holding a grudge to the point of ruining a person's life says a lot more about a supposed "professional" than it does about a supposed "bad" employee.