Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Taxpayers Funding Porn Usage

What's worse than a network admin utilizing a company's entire bandwidth to download pirated software and music?   Highly paid employees at the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission accessing pornography sites at work.

According to the article: "Many of the employees who engaged in such conduct were at a senior level and earned substantial salaries through their government employment," the OIG revealed in a summary report, noting that 17 employees had an annual salary of at least $99,356."  I don't know how many constitutes "many" so it could be 50, 100, maybe even in the thousands.  Do the math.

I think what makes me more frustrated than anything is that none of these people were fired.  However, I'm sure they all parted their hair on the correct side and gave stellar answers to their "Where do you see yourself in five years?" interview questions.

Sure gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that my tax dollars are "hard" at work.

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