My gripe du jour is about companies who call you to come in to interview for a job that you've applied for and then never bother to call you back. Simply put, our job market sucks: Human Resources departments have their heads up their asses so far that they can see their own tonsils, managers are so chicken-shit that they can't piss down their own leg without asking permission, college graduates with massive amounts of student loan debt are begging for jobs at McDonalds, and people like me with no college degree but a grundle of experience (a grundle is two shitloads, by the way) are treated like cretinous imbeciles.
I went to probably my thousandth job interview (not exaggerating) a few weeks back, which means that I had to take time off work and make sure I was at the company early, then I sat there for almost an hour because the hiring manager decided she had more important things to do than to keep her appointment with me. Of course I said it was no problem, though I was hoping that her eyeballs would start bleeding during the interview because I am sick and damn tired of being left to sit and molder on their cheap furniture while they pick their nose and giggle while playing their childish game of "let's keep the interviewee waiting." I thought that I did well during the interview, but of course one never knows what the other side is really thinking. "Is that her real hair or a fright wig?" "I wonder why anyone over the age of forty even bothers to apply for a job." "I hope that cute guy in Accounting who seemed impressed by how freaky I am in bed didn't catch my crabs." And of course, I haven't heard back since the interview.
A few years ago, I actually went on 3 interviews at the same company for the same job and never heard back. Three. That's three interviews. Three. That means I had to take off work, drive over to the company, sit and listen to their bullshit for an hour or more, and say why I thought I was a great fit for their bullshit company and their bullshit job three different times. And the motherfuckers didn't even have the common courtesy to call or email and tell me to take a flying leap off a bridge. The worst interview I've ever been to was for a company I'd interviewed for previously and swore I'd never interview with again because they didn't bother to call or email afterward. The headhunter who called begged me to go on an interview and said the management had changed. I gave in and went, and the dumbshit conducting the interview actually played "20 Questions" with me to determine how good my troubleshooting skills were. I should have gotten up and walked out.
So please, if you are interviewing potential employees, have some decency and either call or email the person if they don't get the job. It's the least you can do, you lousy, putrid scumbag, and it may just help prevent a little shitty karma from showing up on your doorstep.