Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Best Bosses

Since I posted my worst bosses, I need to post a list of my best bosses.  Every one of my best bosses were intelligent & knowledgeable, fair and professional, and none of them were micromanagers.  Another common thread: They all were willing to work, to get into the "trenches" if necessary.

Claire: She was my boss when I worked for Gemco.  Claire was intelligent, had a great sense of humor, and was level-headed.

Bob: Loved to joke around, was a lot of fun, and was almost like a brother.  Bob gave me great reviews & raises and was always objective with everything.

Greg: He had accidentally shot the tip of his finger off when he was a kid.  Greg was a great boss, had a wonderful sense of humor, and was very wise.

Jeff: Actually had a degree in rocket science, gave me my first opportunity in Telecom even though I had no experience.  Was the only person I've ever seen who could accurately sum up a person within 5 minutes of speaking with them, and would utilize people's strengths rather than focusing on their weaknesses.

Scott C.: One of the best teachers I've ever seen, had a great sense of humor, and though he didn't know much about my job, he let me use my expertise and I could ask questions of him when I needed help.  Gave me some of the best job reviews I've ever had & got me some of the biggest raises I've ever had.

Cindy:  She was actually above Scott C., and also had a great sense of humor.  She let me do my job without hovering over me and checking up on me.  If I made recommendations, both Scott and Cindy listened to them, and if we could find a way to implement them, we would.

Scott R.: Was the kind of guy who was genuinely admired & liked by everyone.  Very knowledgeable and more than capable.

Cheryl & Kathy & Shelly:  Always cheerful, always positive, always helpful.  Cheryl gave me one of the best reviews I've ever had & promoted me soon afterward.

Craig: Very intelligent, knowledgeable and experienced, didn't micromanage me, and I could always speak honestly with him.  Gave me great reviews and raises.

Serina & Jason: Both had a great personality, very knowledgeable, would help but not hover.  Encouraging and positive.

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